Wednesday, September 20, 2006

9-20-06 - Wednesday - Paperwork!

Today was the first day of our orientation. We met at 7:00 am in a classroom. The students that didn't pass the CDL driving test went back out with the evaluators to re-take the test. The rest of us spent about 45 minutes going over CRE's accidents from the past year. Lessons learned.

The rest of the morning was for those that passed the driving test to go down to DLD to get their UT CDL. I got mine yesterday, so I went home (to my hotel), and caught a nap till 11:00 am.

At 11:00 am we met in the theater for a "lease briefing". It was brief alright. We were there for about 10 minutes and then sent to lunch. The experienced drivers stayed to get all the info, but us newbie's got sent to lunch. Oh well.

After lunch at 1:00 pm we actually started the orientation. Videos about taxes and brake adjustment. Lots of paperwork and more paperwork. This lasted until about 4:30 pm.

After dinner I elected to go ahead and stay for the Defensive Driving course that is required to get on the road with a trainer. The course is offered every evening, so it's up to us to decide when we take it. We just have to do it before we go on the road.

The class lasted until 9:00 pm. I'm home now and getting my thoughts gathered. I figure tomorrow evening I will do a load of laundry in anticipation of graduation on Friday and possibly leaving that evening or Saturday. I just want to be ready.

Below is a class picture. Most of us are in it. Some are not. Some in the picture didn't make it throught the driving test and will be in next weeks class. I'm the one wearing a RED sweatshirt.

Click the pic to enlarge.

Tomorrow is more orientation. One more day closer to getting on the road!


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